Abstract-Inward rectification, an important determinant of cell excitability, can result from channel blockade by intracellular cations, including Ca 2ϩ . However, mostly on the basis of indirect arguments, Ca 2ϩ -mediated rectification of inward rectifier K ϩ current (I K1 ) is claimed to play no role in the mammalian heart. The present study investigates Ca 2ϩ -mediated I K1 rectification during the mammalian ventricular action potential. Guinea pig ventricular myocytes were patch-clamped in the whole-cell configuration. The aim of the present study was to reconsider the role for Ca 2ϩ -induced I K1 rectification in mammalian ventricular myocytes by adopting experimental conditions preserving cell integrity and simulating, as closely as possible, physiological electrical activity. The evidence obtained suggests that the transient rise in subsarcolemmal Ca 2ϩ , occurring during the plateau phase of the action potential as a consequence of both influx and release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum, may significantly contribute to I K1 rectification.
Materials and Methods
Cell IsolationGuinea pig ventricular myocytes were isolated by using a coronary perfusion method similar to the one described by Levi and Alloatti. 9 In brief, guinea pigs weighing 200 to 300 g were anesthetized by exposure to a cotton wad soaked in tribromoethanol solution (200 mg of tribromoethanol in 10 mL of ether), killed through cervical dislocation, and exsanguinated. Hearts were quickly removed, and the ascending aorta was connected to the outlet of a Langendorff column, perfused with Tyrode's solution (37°C) containing (mmol/L) NaCl 154, KCl 4, CaCl 2 2, MgCl 2 1, HEPES-NaOH 5, and D-glucose 5.5, adjusted to pH 7.35, and equilibrated with 100% O 2 . Perfusion with Tyrode's solution was maintained until vigorous mechanical activity resumed and blood was completely removed. The heart was then perfused, until arrest occurred, with a nominally Ca 2ϩ -free solution containing (mmol/L) NaCl 33.5, KCl 10, Dglucose 22, sucrose 132, KH 2 PO 4 1, MgSO 4 5, HEPES KOH 10, and taurine 50, adjusted to pH 7.3, followed by the same solution to which 140 U/mL collagenase (Sigma type V), 2.5 U/mL trypsin