We give estimates of the distance between the densities of the laws of two functionals F and G on the Wiener space in terms of the Malliavin-Sobolev norm of F − G. We actually consider a more general framework which allows one to treat with similar (Malliavin type) methods functionals of a Poisson point measure (solutions of jump type stochastic equations). We use the above estimates in order to obtain a criterion which ensures that convergence in distribution implies convergence in total variation distance; in particular, if the functionals at hand are absolutely continuous, this implies convergence in L 1 of the densities.We define now the functional spaces and the differential operators.Simple functionals. A random variable F is called a simple functional if there exists f ∈ C ∞ p (R J ) such that F = f (V ). We denote through S the set of simple functionals. Simple processes. A simple process is a random variable U = (U 1 , . . . , U J ) in R J such that U i ∈ S for each i ∈ {1, . . . , J}. We denote by P the space of the simple processes. On P we define the scalar product ·, · : P × P → S, (U, V ) → U,