The world's major energy sources are non-renewable and are faced with an ever-increasing demand, and hence are not expected to last long. Besides being non-renewable, these sources include mainly fossil fuels, and contribute tremendously to the perennial problem of global warming. The serious depletion and pollution problems of the above energy sources have made the international community focus attention on alternative sources of energy, especially solar energy, which appears highly promising. Nanostructure-based solar energy is attracting signifi cant attention as a possible candidate for achieving drastic improvement in photovoltaic energy conversion effi ciency. Although such solar energy is expected to be more expensive, there is a growing need for effi cient and lightweight solar cells in aerospace and related industries. It is certain to rule the energy sector when break-even, of high performance is achieved and its cost becomes comparable with that of other energy sources. Various approaches have been proposed to enhance the effi ciency of solar cells. Applications of nanotechnology help us to design solar devices more economically. Nanophotovoltaic cells are used to create cost, effective, effi cient, solar energy storage systems or solar energy on a large scale. Nanostructured materials contain structures with dimensions in that scale; they include polycrystalline materials with nanometer-sized crystallites, materials with surface protrusions spatially separated by a few nanometers granular or porous materials with grain sizes in the nanometer range or nanometer-sized metallic clusters embedded in a dielectric matrix. The motivation for using nanostructured materials emerges from their specifi c physical and chemical properties. Enhancing the regular crystalline