The problem of electromagnetic-wave propagation along a dielectric-tube waveguide of elliptical cross-section is considered. The characteristic equations for odd and even hybrid modes are derived in the form of two infinite determinants, which degenerate to the well-known characteristic equation for hybrid modes on circular tubes as the eccentricity tends to zero. The characteristic roots are computed for various eccentricities and tube thicknesses. It is found that there exist two dominant modes which possess zero cutoff frequencies. The modes on the elliptical tube waveguide are designated by observing computer plots of the radial variation of the field components. The phase velocity is shown to be dependent more upon dielectric area than eccentricity. Thin-walled tubes exhibit less dispersion while thick-walled guides behave as solid dielectric rods. Experimental results on zero-eccentricity tubes agree well with theory. List of symbols I,Q2),D m \ = rath arbitrary constants for even hybrid modes _ functions of modified Mathieu functions = rath arbitrary constants for odd hybrid modes ce m (v, qd se m 0?, Qi) , qi ) , q t ) even and odd Mathieu functions = of the first kind in region i, respectively even and odd modified Mathieu = functions of first kind in region i, respectively e = eccentricity E zi ,E^,E ni = longitudinal, radial and azimuthal components of electric field, respectively, in region i f = frequency modified Mathieu functions of the second kind h = semi-focal distance hi ^= wavenumber of medium* HziiHyiH^i -longitudinal, radial and azimuthal components of magnetic field, respectively, in region i I n (x),K n (x)= modified Bessel functions of the first and second kind, respectively J n (x), Y n (x) = Bessel functions of the first and second kind, respectively k 0 = phase coefficient of free space ki = phase coefficient of a plane wave in region i L = multiplying factor for elliptical coordinate system m, n = mode subscripts q t = parameter of the Mathieu function in region i t = time z = axial co-ordinate a = attenuation coefficient 0 = phase coefficient e 0 = permittivity of free space e,-= permittivity of region i e ri = relative permittivity of region / r? = azimuthal co-ordinate X = free-space wavelength \ g = guide wavelength Mo -permeability of free space //,• = permeability of region i H ri = relative permeability of region i £ = radial co-ordinate %\,%i ~ radial co-ordinates coinciding with the inner and outer boundaries of the elliptical tube, respectively to = angular frequency