Although carbon dioxide concentrations are at a record high [3] -one ton of manufactured carbon fiber emits twenty tons of CO 2 [4,5] -lighter structural components can drastically lower CO 2 consumption. This includes carbon-fiber-constructed automobiles and aircraft that are 30% and 20% lighter that can reduce CO 2 emissions by 50 tons and 1400 tons over a ten-year lifecycle. And while carbon-fiber technologies generally reduce CO 2 emissions by 20%, [6] life-cycle analysis studies further highlight its environmental benefit via productionwaste reduction efforts and recycling [7] of discarded fiber and matrix (epoxy).To further distinguish the performanceenvironmental benefit, this study examines integration of bulk energy transferability into CF/E via modification of the surface epoxy to overcome its inherent performance limitations and to reduce fiber production, CO 2 emissions, cost, and waste. Furthermore, the novel surface modification may be utilized in general FRP systems, where the global composites market is expected to reach $131.6 billion by 2024. [8] Paucity of energy transferability remains a lofty design parameter in brittle FRPs that have low fracture toughness and material damping. [9] This is often over-compensated by aggrandizing fiber quantity, which amplifies cost and predisposes FRPs, including CF/E, to unexpected failure and potentially greater CO 2 emissions. However, due to their versatility, FRPs continue to be researched in various exposures, [10,11] specifically CF/E in extreme conditions. This includes the use of coatings to complement composite performance, where, for example, polyurea-coated composites dissipated blast-induced energy proportional to the polyurea thickness. [12,13] In blast-designed wall panels, polyurea fails to efficiently transfer the incoming energy, resulting in support shear failure. Although polyurea is characteristically weak (12-17 MPa), [14] it also made its way into projectile impact studies as a laminate coating for aluminum plates [15,16] but with minimal relevant success. Inherently, polyurea has a low loss modulus [17] that is similar to that of pure epoxy (in CF/E). In order to effectuate relevant damping in polyurea-coated composites, the polyurea thickness should be considerably large, making pure polyurea a cost-ineffective solution for enhancing FRP performance. [18] A surface-modified carbon-fiber reinforced epoxy (CF/E) via a unique isophorone diisocyanate amine (IDA) reaction produces a new interfacial epoxy-polyurea "matrix" (IEPM) that elicits excellent mechanical energy transferability in brittle CF/E. The chemical bonding property in the IEPM molecule is produced via moieties of an epoxy mixture and N-H-concentrated urea molecules, where IDA thermodynamics are controlled via a curing parameter, t c (in hours). Nano-scale properties of the IDA reaction, confirmed via fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy and chemical mapping of molecules comprising the IEPM structure, are linked to bulk mechanical energy transferability, specifically l...