The F o F 1 -ATP synthase, an enzyme found in similar forms in all organisms, catalyzes the formation of ATP from ADP and inorganic phosphate, P i . It uses the energy inherent in a proton gradient across energy-coupling membranes in bacteria, chloroplasts, and mitochondria to drive this endergonic chemical reaction. Like all related ATP synthases, the enzyme from Escherichia coli is highly asymmetric and can be divided into two sections. The membrane-associated F 1 -part contains the nucleotide binding sites and has a subunit stoichiometry ␣ 3  3 ␥␦⑀. The membrane-integral F o part contains the protontranslocating unit and consists of subunits ab 2 c 10 -12 .Proton translocation appears to be catalyzed by a concerted action of subunits a and c and results in a rotary motion of subunits c. Rotary movement of subunits c then drives rotation of the internal stalk of F 1 , which consists of subunits ␥ and ⑀. This in turn drives the conformational transitions within the catalytic sites to enable product release from the binding sites (for reviews, see Refs. 1-3). Movement of the internal stalk of F 1 together with subunits c of F o relative to the ring formed of subunits ␣ and  implies the necessity of a second, external stalk that functions as a stator to stabilize the F o F 1 structure. Convincing evidence has been provided that supports a second stalk consisting of the dimer of subunit b of F o and the ␦ subunit of F 1 (4 -8). Subunit a of F o , in addition to functioning in proton translocation, appears also to be part of the stator. Subunit a is positioned externally to the ring of c subunits, interacting with c and the dimer of subunits b (9 -12). It has been discussed that rotation of subunits c, ␥, and ⑀ generates elastic torque within the two stalks that needs to either be stored or dissipated into conformational energy (13,14). The knowledge of the structure of the stator subunits and their protein-protein interaction is, therefore, of great importance to the understanding of the mechanism of energy transduction within the F 1 F o -ATP synthase.X-ray structural models of several substructures of the ATP synthase have been available for some time now (15)(16)(17)(18)(19)(20). There are also NMR and/or x-ray structural data available for the smaller subunits ⑀ and ␦ (21-23). Structural information on subunit a has so far been limited to mutational analysis, chemical modification, and limited proteolysis (for example, see Ref. 24). Subunit b forms a dimeric structure and contains a highly hydrophobic N-terminal region of 33 amino acids that functions as a membrane anchor (25). The remaining 121 amino acids are predicted to form an extended, mostly ␣-helical structure that interacts with F 1 . Ultracentrifugation and CD spectroscopic analysis indicate coiled coil packing interaction of b 2 (26 -28). Recent CD spectroscopic studies of isolated subunit b reconstituted into E. coli lipid vesicles furthermore suggest ϳ14% -turns in the secondary structure composition of b (29). The relative length of the b di...