A espectroscopia de fluorescência e o carbono orgânico dissolvido (COD) foram utilizados para caracterização da matéria orgânica dissolvida (MOD) no estuário do Rio Piauí, um estuário tropical situado no Estado de Sergipe, nordeste do Brasil. As intensidades de fluorescência foram maiores no período chuvoso e menores no período seco, evidenciando que a variabilidade das propriedades fluorescentes da MOD é ditada, principalmente, pela descarga fluvial e pelo processo de diluição no estuário. No período chuvoso, os compostos tipo triptofano e húmicos predominaram na composição da MOD, enquanto no período seco ocorreu um aumento significativo dos constituintes tipo proteínas. As relações das intensidades de fluorescência com a salinidade sugerem um comportamento não conservativo para a MOD fluorescente. O COD mostrou um comportamento conservativo no período seco e não conservativo no período chuvoso, com produção de COD na parte superior do estuário. A complexação da MOD com o Cu(II), estudada usando a técnica de supressão da fluorescência, evidenciou o potencial de complexação dos fluoróforos tipo proteínas, tripofano e húmico.Fluorescence spectroscopy and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) measurements were used to characterize the dissolved organic matter (DOM) in the Piauí River estuary, a tropical estuary situated in the State of Sergipe, Northeast Brazil. Fluorescence intensities were greater during the rainy period than the dry period, demonstrating that variability in the fluorescence properties of the DOM was determined mainly by the fluvial discharge and the dilution processes occurring in the estuary. During the rainy period, tryptophan-like and humic substances were the main components of the DOM, while during the dry period there was a significant increase of proteinlike constituents. Relationships identified between fluorescence intensities and salinity were indicative of non-conservative behavior of the fluorescent DOM. DOC showed behavior that was conservative during the dry period, and non-conservative during the rainy period, with production of DOC in the upper reaches of the estuary. The complexation of DOM with Cu(II), studied using the fluorescence suppression technique, showed the complexation potentials of protein, tryptophan and humic type fluorophores.Keywords: natural organic matter, Piauí River, estuary, fluorescence
IntroductionDissolved organic matter (DOM) is a complex heterogeneous mixture of macromolecules formed by the decomposition of biological material derived from animals or plants. DOM represents one of the main reservoirs of carbon on the Earth's surface, and exhibits a variety of ecologically and geochemically important properties including the ability to absorb light, bind with trace metals and organic pollutants, adsorb substances onto its surface and undergo aggregation, as well as photochemical reactivity. [1][2][3] The DOM present in natural waters can have either autochtone or allochtone origins. Allochtone organic matter is introduced into aquatic systems by leaching from ...