Exp e rim ental PVT mea s urem e nts on gaseo u s and liquid Auorine from the trip le point (53 .5 K) to 300 K at press ures to about 21 MN/m2 are presented. Th e data are represente d by a trun ca ted viria l e quation in th e low-density region. Comparisons of th e seco nd virial coefficient from this equa ti on are made with publis hed data_ The PVT re lationship a long th e loui e-Tho mson inversion c urve was ob ta in ed from th e isothe rm -isoc hore re prese ntation of the high de nsity region.Key words: I soc hores; isoth e rm s; Joul e-Thom so n inv e rs ion c urve; liquid den sities a long melti ng line; PYT data; seco nd viriai coe ffi c ient; third viriai coefficient.