An electrolytic cell having four electrodes, each separated by a/~-alum/na plate or a porous ceramic separator and impregnated with molten sodium polysu~de was constructed. The electrolysis was carried out between two of these two sets of electrodes, and the composition change of the melt in the test electrode was observed from the OCV change during the electrolysis. The results of this study strongly suggested that S22-ions migrated preferentially as a carrier on the electrolysis and that they would exist in the equilibrium with $42-or $52-ions even in a melt with the composition of Na~$4.66. The $42-or $52-ions also seem to contribute to the charge transport as the depletion of $22-ions in the melt, whereas Na + is considered not to take part in the charge transport. These phenomena characterize the determination of the distribution of sodium polysulfide in the porous current collector of the sodium sulfur battery.Since sodium sulfur batteries are expected to have a high energy density of more than 150 W-hr/kg, a considerable number of research and development programs are exploring their applications for load leveling and transportation power source. The behavior of molten sodium polysulfide, Na2Sx, in a charge-discharge reaction affects the performance of this type of battery, and much effort has been devoted to clarify the properties of the compound, the phase diagram of Na2S~ (1,2), and properties such as electrical conductivity (3), density (4), and sulfur activities (5). However, there seem to be few experimental studies on the behavior of molten sodium polysulfides as battery electrode.The composition of molten sodium polysulfide is known to change (Na2S5 --> Na2S4 ~ Na2S3) progressively during the discharge process. The termination of the reaction is ascribed to the formation of solid sodium polysulfide in the electrode.The reaction distribution in a porous current collector of a sodium sulfur battery has been estimated (6-9) by applying a network model. However, the reaction distribution would not necessarily correspond with the resultant distribution of the composition, when Sx 2-ions formed during the reaction migrate through the current collector. Since the sulfur utilization would be determined by the resultant distribution of the composition, the effect of migration of Sx 2-species seems essential.Cleaver and Davies (5) derived the Washburn number instead of the transference number to observe the activity of sulfur in molten sodium polysulfide. This number only defines the number of moles of sulfur per unit charge passing through a reference frame in the melt, where the frame is chosen so that sodium ion does not pass through it. However, the mutual migrations of Na + and Sx 2-species should be considered for a better understanding of the resultant distribution of the composition in the porous current collector.