Two truncated forms of the Sulfolohus solfuturicus elongation factor 1 a (SsEF-la), corresponding to the putative domains G+M, Ss(GM)EF-la, and G, Ss(G)EF-la, have been constructed by gene engineering, produced in Escherichin coli and purified. Neither truncated form was able to sustain poly(Phe) synthesis but they were able to bind guanine nucleotides with an affinity much higher with respect to that of the intact factor. However, the difference in the affinity for GDP and GTP became progressively reduced with the extent of the truncation. The values of k, , , and K,,, for GTP of the intrinsic GTPase of SsEF-lu triggered by 3.6 M NaCl were not affected by the deletions. In contrast, both Ss(GM)EF-la and Ss(G)EF-la were less thermostable than the intact factor; the region of the factor most responsible for the loss of resistance against heat inactivation was the C-terminal domain. On the other hand the domain M was the regulator of the thermophilicity of SsEF-la since only Ss(G)EF-la showed a reduced thermophilicity. Remarkably, both Ss(GM)EF-la and Ss(G)EF-la were able to exchange ['HIGDP for GTP at a very high rate so that they were no more sensitive to the stimulatory effect of SsEF-Ij?, which is the nucleotide exchange factor of SsEF-I a.