The high-power properties of c-axis crystal-oriented (Sr,Ca) 2 NaNb 5 O 15 (SCNN) plate were investigated under large-amplitude vibration using an electrical transient response. The ultrasonic motor of a 31-vibration mode using the crystal-oriented SCNN plate was fabricated and evaluated. The quality factor of crystal-oriented SCNN plate increased to about five times higher of randomly oriented SCNN and (Bi,Na,Ba)(Ti,Mn)O 3 disks. The mechanical nonlinearity behavior was not observed and the temperature dependences of the quality factor and the equivalent stiffness decreased ignorable. The high-power properties were considered to originate from decreasing strictly the internal stress induced from crystal anisotropy by the crystal-oriented morphology. The motor showed the revolution speed 100 rpm in torque from 150 μN m to 900 μN m, the output power 7.5 mW, efficiency 3.5% at 657 μN m and 109 rpm. The output power was about twotimes higher in the previous study. The performance reflects the superior high-power properties of crystal-oriented SCNN ceramics.