The Ukrainian Phase Diagrams and Thermodynamics Commission has been a member of the Alloy Phase Diagram International Commission (APDIC) for almost thirty years (since 1994). APDIC unites 18 member organizations involving 26 countries. The main tasks of APDIC are the exchange of scientific information and coordination of the activities of the international scientific community, mainly in the field of state diagrams and phase thermodynamics. The annual report of the Ukrainian Commission on the results of the activities of Ukrainian scientists in this field in 2021 was presented at the APDIC meeting on May 27, 2022. This information is presented in a table, collecting data on the systems studied and the result obtained and containing a list of references to published papers. Scientists from the Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Science (National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv), Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Kyiv), and Donbas State Engineering Academy (Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Kramatorsk) provided relevant information to the Ukrainian Commission.