Applications of dynamic light scattering to the characterization of multicomponent polymer solutions are described. Examples include block copolymers in a selective solvent, which can aggregate into micellar structures; block copolymers in a neutral solvent, in which an unanticipated mode due to chain diffusion appears; probe diffusion in refractive index-matched matrix solutions. The underlying linear response theory is summarized, and the main experimental aspects are noted.KEY WORDS Dynamic light scattering, multicomponent polymer solutions, micelles, block copolymers, polymer diffusion
INTRODUCTIONLight scattering has been a useful polymer characterization tool for fifty years. Measurements of the scattered intensity I, from dilute solutions can provide information on the solvent quality, through the osmotic second virial coefficient, on the chain radius of gyration R, though the dependence on scattering angle, and the weight-average molecular weight M , in the dual limits of zero concentration and zero angle. If the refractive index increment A/& is known, then the measurement of M , is absolute, independent of molecular weight distribution or polymer architecture. This fact has contributed to the growing application of light scattering detectors in size exclusion chromatography [ 11. Dynamic light scattering (DLS) is a closely related technique that has been employed for thirty years [2,3]. In this experiment the temporal fluctuations 61s(t) about the mean Z, are examined, These fluctuations reflect changes in the spatial distribution of scattering molecules, and thus provide information on molecular motions.The addition of a time axis to the light scattering experiment opens up a wide range of new possibilities. For example, mixtures of molecules of comparable scattering power but different mobilities can be resolved; molecular weight distribution information can thus be obtained. Also, the state of aggregation of surfactants or copolymers can be assessed.
Commercial correlators utilized in DLS instruments typically provide a time window fromPresented at the 8th International Symposium on Polymer Analysis and Characterization, Sanibel Island, Florida, May 1995.
323Downloaded by [University of Auckland Library] at 13:17 04 February 2015 324 T. P. LODGE 106 to 10: s or more, which nicely covers the range associated with isolated polymer motions in small molecule solvents (10-6 -10-3 s) up to more concentrated solutions, melts, or aggregates. The role of DLS in polymer analysis falls in the domain of physical, as opposed to chemical characterization. Although precise information about dynamic processes can be obtained, interpretation of the data in terms of molecular structure and interactions requires a reliable model. Fortunately, many such models are available.This paper concerns the application of DLS to multicomponent systems, which is an area of great current interest. "Multicomponent" in this context means three or more chemical species in the sample; examples include polymer blend solutions, block cop...