The mass splitting and the decay width of pentaquark ( + ) at the higher angular momentum states have been investigated in the framework of flux tube model considering the diquark-diquark-antiquark configuration for + along with statistical model. A quasi particle model for diquark has been considered. The Regge trajectory of + has also been investigated with interesting some observations. Keywords Exotic particle · Quasiparticle · Decay width · Regge trajectory · Mass spectrum Diakonov et al. theoretically proposed the low mass (1530 MeV) and total decay width ( < 15 MeV) of + baryon in the framework of chiral soliton model [1] denoting the exotic baryon as a pentaquark state. The LEPS collaboration [2] reported the first experimental evidence of a sharp baryon resonance peak at 1540 ± 10 MeV with a width smaller than 25 MeV whereas, SAPHIR [3] detector detected the resonance peak at 1540 ± 4 ± 2 MeV with < 25 MeV at 90 percent c.l. ZEUS collaboration [4] reported the experimental existence of pentaquark ( + ) suggesting the mass to be 1521.5 ± 1.5 MeV and decay width 6.1 ± 1.6 MeV whereas CLAS collaboration [5,6] suggested the value to be 1555 ± 10 MeV and decay width ≤ 26 MeV. Since LEPS collaboration reported the existence of + resonance several groups confirm the state whereas a number of experiments gives null result. The next generation of experiments have been taken by JLAB, CLAS for further search.The theoretical states of + has been studied by Doi [7] in the direct QCD calculation. The low lying states of this exotic baryon have been investigated in the context of pseudoscalar vector skryme model by . Diakonov [9] has made a mean field approach to study the pentaquark excitation using SU(3) flavor symmetries. Iwasaki