A sum mary of on go ing bioorganic stud ies on rho dop sin, the most in ten sively stud ied G-protein cou pled re cep tor (GPCR) is given. The ar ti cle in cludes: (i) gen eral de scrip tions of rho dop sin and (ii) var i ous nat u rally oc cur ring ret i nal chromo phores in an i mals, fish and mi cro or gan isms; (iii) the ra tio nale for 6-s-cis-11-sicis ret i nal be ing the com mon chromophoric struc ture in vi sual pig ments; (iv) elec tro static charge dis tri bu tion within the op sin bind ing site; (v) the vi sual transduction cy cle; and (vi) the changes oc cur r ing in the chromophore/re cep tor in ter ac tions allong the vi sual transduction path.
I. Rho dop sin (Fig. 1)Rhodopsins (Rh), 1,2 the pig ment re spon si ble for vi sion in an i mals, fish, birds and in sects are the most thor oughly inves ti gated G-protein cou pled re cep tors (GPCR, guanyl nucle o tide bind ing pro tein or transducin), and con sist of seven hy dro pho bic transmembrane he li ces A, B, …G (or 1,2,…7) in ter con nected by extramembrane loops. (Fig. 1a). [3][4][5][6][7] The major ity of vi sual pig ment stud ies have been per formed with the readily ac ces si ble bo vine Rh, con tain ing 348 amino ac ids. 8,9 The over all struc ture of bo vine Rh was fi nally de ter mined in 2000 by X-ray crys tal log ra phy at 2.8 Å res o lu tion (Fig. 1b). 10 Al though fur ther res o lu tion is needed for clar i fi ca tion of the chromo phore con for ma tion in more de tail, it is the first success ful crys tal lo graphic study for any GPCR. In the fol lowing we will out line our past and on go ing struc tural and bioorganic stud ies.
II. The ret i nal chromo phores of Rh, Chlamydomonas,bacteriorhodopsin, etc. (Fig. 2) Re ceived Feb ru ary 22, 2002.