The present paper studies certain low-level separation axioms of a
topological space, denoted by A(X), induced by a geometric AC-complex X.
After proving that whereas A(X) is an Alexandroff space satisfying the
semi-T1 2 -separation axiom, we observe that it does neither satisfy the pre
T1 2 -separation axiom nor is a Hausdorff space. These are main motivations
of the present work. Although not every A(X) is a semi-T1 space, after
proceeding with an edge to edge tiling (or a face to face crystallization)
of Rn, n ? N, denoted by T(Rn) as an AC complex, we prove that A(T(Rn)) is a
semi-T1 space. Furthermore, we prove that A(En), induced by an nD Cartesian
AC complex Cn = (En,N,dim), is also a semi-T1 space, n ? N. The paper deals
with AC-complexes with the locally finite (LF-, for brevity) property, which
can be used in the fields of pure and applied mathematics as well as digital
topology, computational topology, and digital geometry.