The effect of fermentation on physicochemical properties and oxalate content of cocoyam (Colocasia esculenta) flour was evaluated. The cocoyam, white flesh was cleaned, washed, peeled, sliced into chips of 2-2.5 cm thickness, soaked in tap water and left to ferment for 24 h and 48 h. The fermented cocoyam was then drained, dried in cabinet dryer at 60• C for 24 h and milled. The flour samples were passed through a 45 µm mesh size sieve. Unfermented cocoyam flour was also produced and served as a control. Calcium oxalate and some physicochemical properties of flours from the fermented cocoyam were compared with the unfermented flour. Results showed that fermentation effected a significant reduction in oxalate level (58 to 65%) depending on the fermentation period. The amylose content was higher in 48 h fermented flour (55.52%) than in 24 h (54.55%). Pasting (gelatinization) temperature decreased, and water absorption capacity increased markedly due to fermentation.