We study narrow ballistic Josephson weak links in a InAs quantum wells contacted by Nb electrodes and find a dramatic magnetic-field suppression of the Andreev reflection amplitude, which occurs even for in-plane field orientation with essentially no magnetic flux through the junction. Our observations demonstrate the presence of a Doppler shift in the energy of the Andreev levels, which results from diamagnetic screening currents in the hybrid Nb/InAs banks. The data for conductance, excess, and critical currents can be consistently explained in terms of the sample geometry and the McMillan energy, characterizing the transparency of the Nb/InAs interface. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.80.220507 PACS number͑s͒: 74.45.ϩc In recent years a detailed microscopic understanding of the proximity effect has emerged. There is now agreement that in highly transparent Josephson junctions formed by a metallic weak link in good contact with two superconducting ͑SC͒ banks the supercurrent is carried by Andreev bound states ͑ABSs͒. 1 These come in pairs corresponding to the opposite directions of Cooper-pair transfer mediated by multiple Andreev reflection ͑MAR͒ at the SC/metal interfaces provided that the acquired quasiparticle phase is a multiple of 2 . 2 At currents exceeding the critical current I C ͑T , B͒ MAR between the SC banks manifests itself in the currentvoltage characteristics as subharmonic gap structures at voltages eV n =2⌬ / n, where ⌬ is the SC energy gap and n =1,2,.... At higher voltage eV ӷ 2⌬, I͑V͒ becomes linear with an excess current I exc = I͑V͒ − G N V determined by a single Andreev reflection ͑AR͒ probability ͉a͑ ͉͒ 2 ͑G N is the normal-state conductance͒. 3,4 Weak links formed by a two-dimensional ͑2D͒ electron gas ͑2DEG͒ in semiconductor quantum wells 5 are of particular interest because here the ballistic transport can be studied. In very high magnetic field perpendicular to the 2DEG, theory 6 and experiments 7,8 have demonstrated Andreev transport via edge states. Indirect evidence for a strong magneticfield effect on AR was experimentally found in antidot billiards. 9 The case of parallel field, with respect to the 2DEG, is equally intriguing: as ideally no magnetic flux threads the 2DEG, one may naively expect the Josephson current to survive up to the critical fields of the SC leads. This is not the case, but the underlying mechanism of the supercurrent suppression is still unclear. This question, also relevant for other 2D hybrid systems, 10 is among the issues this Rapid Communication focuses on.In this Rapid Communication, Nb/InAs Josephson junctions of different width are studied in a four-terminal lead configuration within the 2DEG. This allows us to separately determine the transparencies of the InAs weak link and Nb/ InAs interfaces and identify an additional energy scale in the electronic spectrum of the hybrid SC terminals. We observe a very strong suppression of both the AR probability and supercurrent in weak magnetic fields of 4 and 100 mT for perpendicular and parallel orientations, r...