Using a whole cell clamp technique, the blockade of sodium currents (INa) by pilsicainide, a new antiarrhythmic agent, applied either intracellularly or extra cellularly, was studied in single myocytes isolated from guinea pig right ventricle. Pilsicainide applied extracellularly inhibited the peak amplitude of INa in concentration (from 105 M to 104 M) and rate (from 0.5 Hz to 3.0 Hz) dependent manners. The onset rate of the blockade in INa was almost constant, independent of frequency of stimulus, but higher at high concentration of pilsicainide. The time con stant in the recovery phase from INa inactivation remained almost constant (65 to 75 msec) in the range of concentrations used. Similar results were obtained by intracellu lar application of 10-3 M pilsicainide. Pilsicainide applied intracellularly inhibited INa in a rate-dependent manner. The blocking potency of internally applied pilsicainide almost corresponded to that of external 10-5 M pilsicainide. The onset rate of INa in activation (from 0.098/pulse to 0.130/pulse) and the recovery time constant (77 msec) was similar to those of external 10-5 M pilsicainide. These results suggest that pilsi cainide, irrespective of intra or extracellular application, shares a common binding site to block INa in cardiac myocytes.