Subthreshold concentrations of the depolarizing agents, acetylcholine and decamethonium, potentiated isotonic contractures of the isolated frog rectus abdominis muscle elicited by effective doses of either of these drugs or by choline in the absence of the anticholinesterases, sarin, or dyflos. Comparable potentiation of the contracture produced by decamethonium or choline could be obtained by alternate stimulation with acetylcholine in the absence of dyflos or sarin. Furthermore, dyflos alone did not effect potentiation in the absence of alternate stimulation with acetylcholine. Finally, the inhibitory action of tubocurarine, as measured by depression of the contracture elicited by decamethonium and acetylcholine, was not antagonized by sarin. It was concluded that the enhancement of the response to acetylcholine produced by dyflos and by sarin was brought about exclusively by their action as inhibitors of cholinesterase. The ability of dyflos .and of sarin to potentiate conttactures elicited by decamethonium or by choline may be attributed to a facilitation of the action of the depolarizing compounds by subthreshold concentrations of acetylcholine available in the presence of these anticholinesterases. Cohen and Posthumus (1955) observed that dyflos (di-isopropyl phosphorofluoridate) and sarin (isopropyl methylphosphonofluoridate) potentiate the effects of decamethonium and choline on the isolated frog rectus abdominis muscle. Because decamethonium and choline are not esters, and are therefore not hydrolysed by cholinesterase, they concluded that dyflos, and other anticholinesterases, promote a " sensitization " of acetylcholine receptors independent of any inhibition of cholinesterase activity. They further inferred that direct, non-enzymatic sensitization "is at least partly responsible for the enhanced response of the muscle toward acetylcholine after the administration of anticholinesterases." In view of the fundamental nature of their conclusions concerning the mechanism of action of anticholinesterases, a similar study on the frog rectus has been conducted in our laboratory.