1974. Visual imprinting and auditory-discrimination learnlng in young of the canvasback and semiparasltic redhead (Anatidae). Can. J. Zool. 52: 421-427. Laboratory studies were used to determine if vixual imprin~ing and auditory-dkcrimination learning differ between duckrings of the sem~parasitic redhead ( 4 r l q , u un?ericonu) and canvasback ( A , vulisirreriu). Both species exhibited visual imprinting. but only canvashacks cxhibited ev~dence of auditory learninc. Brood parasit~sm in redheads is apparently associated w1111 a reduction in their ability to learn an sudltory dlrmmination, but no[ in their ability to visually im rint to inanimate models.&muasback rcspnnses were selectively orhanecd by calls presented in the abrence of a visualimprmting s~irnulus. 11 is suggested that such an enhancemen1 of responses to maternal calls when ~h c parent is heard hut no1 seen could facilitate the maintenance of family units In non-parasit~c s ecieslikc the canvashack. Redheads gzvc Ftwer responses to rnattrnal calla than did canvarhaccs. and [heir responses 10 CIIIS were v~r t u~l l y