Ethyl-3,5,6-tri-o-benzyl-D-glucofuranoside (TBGF) the active substance of Glyvenol® displays a unique spectrum of activities. It possesses anti-inflammatory, mild analgesic, antitoxic, wound-healing, fibrinolysis-promoting, anti-arthrotic, amine-release-inhibitory, membrane-stabilizing and venotropic properties. Unlike corticosteroids or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents, TBGF does not exert untoward effects on the gastrointestinal system, the connective tissue or the body’s defence systems. In addition, TBGF does not affect the prostaglandin-synthetase system. TBGF thus seems to share the positive pharmacological properties ascribed to glucocorticoids and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents, yet is free from the undesirable effects of both.