Propofol and cisatracurium besylate have been simultaneously determined using a highly sensitive first derivative synchronous spectrofluorometric method. The method is based on measuring first derivative synchronous spectrofluorimetric amplitude at Δλ = 40 nm with a scanning rate of 600 nm/min. The different experimental parameters affecting the fluorescence intensity of the two drugs were carefully studied and optimized. The amplitude–concentration plots were rectilinear over the range 40.0–400.0 ng/mL and 20.0–280.0 ng/mL for propofol and cisatracurium, respectively with lower detection limits of 4.0 and 2.35 ng/mL and quantification limits of 12.1 and 7.1 ng/mL for propofol and cisatracurium, respectively. The proposed method was successfully applied for the determination of the two compounds in synthetic mixtures and in commercial ampoules. The high sensitivity attained using the proposed method allowed the simultaneous determination of both drugs in spiked plasma samples. The mean % recoveries in spiked human plasma (n = 3) were 96.53 ± 0.90 and 96.20 ± 1.64 for each of propofol and cisatracurium, respectively. The method was validated in compliance with International Council of Harmonization (ICH) Guidelines.