We report an experimental investigation of momentum diffusion in the -function kicked rotor where time symmetry is broken by a two-period kicking cycle and spatial symmetry by an alternating linear potential. We exploit this, and a technique involving a moving optical potential, to create an asymmetry in the momentum diffusion that is due to the classical chaotic diffusion. This represents a realization of a type of Hamiltonian quantum ratchet. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.98.073002 PACS numbers: 32.80.Pj, 05.45.Mt The ratchet effect, in other words the rectification of fluctuations in a system without net bias, was first proposed by Feynmann and has since formed the subject of numerous studies [1,2]. Recently, there has been further interest and investigations of Hamiltonian chaotic ratchets, where the extrinsic noise is replaced by deterministic chaos. Hamiltonian systems offer the additional possibility of a fully quantum ratchet, where some form of directed transport appears in the context of coherent wave dynamics; other types of ratchets in dissipative and noisy quantum systems, corresponding to coherence times which are relatively short, have also been proposed [3]. Previous studies of chaotic Hamiltonian ratchets [4] indicated that directed motion arises if certain symmetries are broken, but persists only in the presence of mixed phase-space dynamics (e.g., a bounded classical phase space with a mixture of regular tori and chaotic regions). The quantitative analysis of the directed current then relies on the details of the classical phase space [2].In [5,6] an alternative theoretical proposal for chaotic but asymmetric momentum diffusion, aimed at a realization with cold atoms in far-detuned pulsed optical lattices, was presented. Experiments with cold atoms in neardetuned, driven optical lattices had already been shown to provide realizations of classical Brownian and dissipative ratchets [7]. Far-detuned lattices minimize decoherence effects; hence, they provided the clearest demonstrations of Hamiltonian quantum chaotic dynamics [8].In particular, cold atoms in -kicked optical lattices can realize the dynamics of the chaotic quantum kicked rotor and show the effect of dynamical localization (DL): the momentum diffusion of the cold atoms follows approximately the classical chaotic rate, hp 2 i Dt, up to a time scale t D=@ ÿ2 , after which the diffusion stops and the quantum momentum probability distribution N p localizes, with a variance hp 2 i 1=2 L D=@. DL is a quantum coherent effect due to destructive wave interference [9].The directed chaotic transport mechanism of [5,6] is generic in character: a quantum kicked rotor with broken time and space symmetry diffuses asymmetrically for a finite time scale t R . An ensemble of classical particles initially with hp t 0 i 0 will end up with nonzero current hp t t R i Þ 0. However, in the classical case, the kinetic energy and hence the momentum width L hp 2 i p Dt p grow without limit as t ! 1. For a ratchet in an unbounded phase space (such as a chaotic ...