Vizja Press&IT
311The purpose of this article is to determine the significance of transnational business in the development of the global economic system, to present perspectives on its further functioning and distribution in the global economy, and to develop recommendations for state regulation of entrepreneurship in developing countries for the purposes of attracting transnational business and stimulating the internationalization of domestic business.To achieve this purpose, the authors use statistical information combined with several methods: substantiation of mathematical expressions "by contradiction", structural analysis, classical methods of analyzing economic effectiveness, comparative analysis, problem and SWOT-analysis, systemic analysis, modeling of the current state of (and perspectives on) the development of economic systems, and formalization.The authors reach the conclusion that transnational business is a manifestation and driving force of the development of the modern global economy and that maximization of the economic growth of the global economy in the long-term requires the creation of favorable conditions for further development of transnational business.Transnational business plays an important role in the development of the global economic system. Perspectives on the further functioning and distribution of transnational business in the global economy are connected to the development of integration processes and the realization of a free trade policy. To overcome threats to the development of transnational business, the authors of this study offer recommendations for state regulation of business in developing countries for the purpose of attracting transnational business and stimulating the internationalization of domestic business, and a special model is developed. transnational business, integration of the global economy, driving force of development, developed countries, developing countries