Pranayama, an ancient Indian breathing exercise technique, regulates the length, frequency, and timing of breaths. Pranayama releases the breath and allows prana also facilitates the flow of life force throughout the body, helping it to heal, relax, and become more energized. Cardiovascular endurance, also known as aerobic fitness. Benefits of cardiovascular endurance include lowering blood pressure and cholesterol, reducing the risk of heart and blood vessel problems, strengthening the heart and lungs, enhancing mental performance and improving the overall quality of life. Nose is the primary system for inhalation and exhalation in many breathing exercises. This technique is based on the extraordinary sensitivity of our lungs, optimizing the air we breathe for entry into the respiratory system, where the air's temperature and humidity are adjusted. This chapter will explain how Pranayama enhances airflow into the body, generating both physical and subtle heat that ignites the internal fires of the body and mind and that improves cardio-pulmonary health by enhancing the circulation.