The ventrolateral funiculus (VLF) in the spinal cord contains important ascending and descending pathways related to locomotion and interlimb coordination. The primary purpose of this descriptive study was to investigate the distribution of inter-enlargement pathways in the adult rat spinal cord with an emphasis on the VLF.We made discrete unilateral injections of Fluoro-Gold (FG) into the right VLF at T9, and either unilateral or bilateral injections of Fluoro-Ruby (FR) into the intermediate gray matter at the C5-6, C7-8, or L2 segmental levels. Inter-enlargement neurons with ascending axons in the right VLF were found bilaterally in laminae VII and VIII throughout the rostral lumbar spinal cord (L1-L3) and predominately contralaterally in the caudal lumbosacral (L4-S1) spinal cord. Following left unilateral FR injections at C5-6 or C7-8 and right unilateral VLF injections of FG at T9, very few double-labeled neurons could be found anywhere in the lumbar spinal cord. Similar injections of FR at L2 revealed an almost symmetrical bilateral distribution of double-labeled neurons throughout the cervical spinal cord (C1-C8).These results describe ascending and descending pathways within the spinal cord that interconnect the two enlargements and involve both commissural and ipsilateral interneurons. The majority of inter-enlargement neurons had axons within the ventrolateral funiculus at T9. These observations support the hypothesis that the VLF contains long ascending and descending axons with propriospinal inter-enlargement, commissural and ipsilateral connections that are anatomically well-suited to mediate interlimb coordination.
Keywordspropriospinal pathways; interlimb coordination; Fluoro-Gold; Fluoro-Ruby There is renewed interest of late in propriospinal pathways due in part to reports of the spontaneous formation of new functional intraspinal circuitry following spinal cord injury (Bareyre et al., 2004) and the potential these pathways have in combinatorial repair strategies involving cellular transplantation and neurotrophin delivery (Jordan and Schmidt, 2002;Conta and Stelzner, 2004;Fouad et al., 2005). While many regions of the spinal cord possess the neural circuitry necessary to produce rhythmic activity, in the mammalian quadruped, separate central pattern generator (CPG) networks are thought to exist for the hindlimbs and forelimbs (Cazalets et al., 1995(Cazalets et al., , 1996Magnuson and Trinder, 1997; Correspondence to: David S.K. Magnuson, PhD, Department of Neurological Surgery, University of Louisville School of Medicine, 210 E. Grey St., Ste. 1102, Louisville, KY 40202,, Phone (502) 852-6551, Fax (502) Magnuson et al., 1999;Ballion et al., 2001;Juvin et al., 2005). In the rat, intraspinal Kainic Acid injections have profound effects on locomotor function when delivered to the intermediate gray matter at L2 (Magnuson et al., 1999) and locomotor deficits resulting from moderately-severe contusion injuries are greater when the contusion is centered on the m...