Abstract--Advances in information technology (IT) have started to focus studies on human computer interaction (HCI) which is an area in computer science embracing cognitive science. In this approach there are various aspects of researches about HCI in order to explore how people design, implement, and use interactive computer systems and how computers affect individuals, organizations, and society. This study represents exploring the adoption factors of smart glasses. Technology adoption process establishes preferences and needs of people who use computers and smart systems. To address this issue, technology adoption is essential for a rapidly changing world where technology has become central to our lives. In that context, user interface (UI) which provides interaction between user and computer, plays significant role for technology adoption process.The purpose of the study is to examine the effects of smart glass design features; Stand-alone device, field of view, interaction, price, and display resolution on user preference through an experimental study by using conjoint analysis. In order to apply this study, an experimental study including a survey was designed. This survey also analyze social characteristics such as self-efficacy, anxiety, involvement, risktask characteristics, enjoyment, usefulness, ease of use, attitude and intention for user smart glasses interaction.