“…U.S. prosecutors are described as displaying “tough justice” at sentencing, showing fervent zeal for their worldview, dogmatically aiming to win at all costs, and spending whatever it takes to extract the maximum punishment (Barkow, 2021; Wright and Levine, 2018). With regard to parole, U.S. lifers’ parole boards have been found to interpret non-release recommendations by prosecutors as highly persuasive, and the odds of being granted parole are significantly lower if a prosecutor opposes release (Bell, 2019; Murcia, 2022; Demleitner, 2021; Young and Pearlman, 2022). However, a greater commitment to broader social values, resistance to mass incarceration, and a preference for evidence-based policy for lifers has been seen in the rise of a “new progressive prosecution” in some U.S. jurisdictions (Green and Roiphe, 2020).…”