Objectives: To evaluate the incidence, presentations and different treatment outcomes of orbital complications secondary to sinusitis.Methods: We conducted a retrospective chart review of patients with orbital complications secondary to sinusitis seen at Ain-Shams University Hospitals (Department of OtoRhinoLaryngology, Cairo, Egypt) over a period of three years. Data obtained from the charts included clinical presentations, contrast enhanced computed tomography data, type of treatment, surgical approaches used and their outcomes.Results: Thirty-five patients (35) presented to Ain Shams University Hospital over the three year period with orbital complication secondary to sinusitis. Medical treatment was successful in 15 patients; surgical drainage was done in 19 cases (13 cases were done endoscopically and 6 were drained externally) including orbital exenteration and Caldwell Luc procedure which were done in the same patient (fungal infection). One case developed coma and passed away the same day of presentation despite aggressive management and neurological consultation.Conclusion: Orbital complications of sinusitis have a good prognosis when detected early and managed appropriately. The key point here should be increasing physician awareness towards this problem as well as encouraging early referral to specialized centers for the proper management of these cases.