Research on academic achievement contrasting Black immigrant, second generation, and non-immigrant students as distinct groups is surprisingly sparse in the higher education literature. This study examined Black immigrant and second generation undergraduates from Africa and the Caribbean and non-immigrant Black American undergraduates, using the contrasting lenses of segmented assimilation theory and cultural ecological theory. Results for academic achievement favored second generation students, consistent with cultural ecological theory, while findings concerning expectations were more consistent with segmented assimilation theory. However, findings were moderated by gender in complex ways. This research indicates the need for more comprehensive theories of immigrant student achievement and motivation that incorporate consideration of the context surrounding both emigration from the home country and immigration to the host country. Keywords: Higher education, expectations, academic achievement, immigration IJEP -International Journal of Educational Psychology, Vol. 5 No. 3 October 2016 pp. 223-248
Rendimiento y Expectativas de Estudiantes Inmigrantes, de Segunda Generaci贸n y Negros no Inmigrantes en la Educaci贸n Superior en Estados Unidos
Cynthia Hudley University of California, Santa Barbara
ResumenLa investigaci贸n sobre rendimiento acad茅mico comparando a estudiantes inmigrantes Negros, de segunda generaci贸n y estudiantes no inmigrantes como grupos distintos es sorprendentemente escasa en la literatura sobre educaci贸n superior. Este estudio examin贸 estudiantes de grado inmigrantes Negros y de segunda generaci贸n de 脕frica y del Caribe con estudiantes de grado Negros Americanos, utilizando las lentes comparativas de la teor铆a de la asimilaci贸n segmentada y la teor铆a ecol贸gica cultural. Los resultados sobre el rendimiento acad茅mico favorecieron a los estudiantes de segunda generaci贸n, siendo esto consistente con la teor铆a ecl贸gica cultural, mientras que los resultados sobre expectativas fueron m谩s consistentes con la teor铆a de la asimilaci贸n segmentada. Sin embargo, los resultados fueron moderados por el g茅nero en formas complejas. Esta investigaci贸n indica la necesidad de teor铆as m谩s comprensivas sobre el rendimiento y la motivaci贸n de estudiantes inmigrantes que incorporen el contexto que envuelve tanto la emigraci贸n del pa铆s de origen como la inmigraci贸n al pa铆s de acogida. Palabras clave: Educaci贸n superior, expectativas, rendimiento acad茅mico, inmigraci贸n 5(3) 225 he literature on academic achievement has not always attended to differences in ethnicity and immigration history among Black youth in U.S. schools. Rather, Black students are too often depicted as a monolithic group, and immigration history is ignored. Further, although a great deal of research has been devoted to the academic trajectories of immigrant and second generation adolescents, relatively little of this body of work has addressed students from Africa and the Caribbean; the largest share of this research has been devoted ...