The activities of providing medical equipment to the troops (forces) participating in the operation to force Georgia to peace in South Ossetia (August 712, 2008) are presented. The functioning features of medical supply institutions and units on the eve and after the invasion of the military contingents of Georgia into South Ossetia are shown. The chronology of the activities of units and institutions of medical supply in the combat zone is outlined. The features of providing troops (forces) with medicines and blood products, disinfectants, and medical products are revealed. The purchase procedure, delivery routes, and creation of a reserve of the most demanded medical equipment, as well as the dispatch and repair of mobile medical equipment in preparation for an operation and during hostilities, have been determined. Owing to the professionalism of the medical service specialists of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation at all levels of military healthcare, a grouping of forces and means were quickly developed, including medical supply units, and institutions. The functioning issues on the system of providing medical supply to troops (forces) are indicated, considering the negative impact of objective and subjective factors and the characteristics of measures to optimize it based on the experience of medical support for troops (forces) during the operation to force Georgia to peace. The implementation of research and development improve the regulatory legal framework relating to the use of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances in combat conditions and the creation of modern models of complete and standard equipment: first-aid kits, medical bags, medical equipment sets, and medical, and styling sets. In general, organizing the provision of medical equipment to troops (forces) during the operation to force Georgia to peace in South Ossetia allowed the involved institutions and medical supply units to cope with the tasks. Medical supply specialists of all levels of military healthcare selflessly performed their professional duties. With their efforts, military medical organizations, formations, and military units were almost completely provided with medical equipment, which contributed to the timely and complete provision of medical care and treatment of the wounded (injured).