Aims: Data regarding the cardiac toxicity of cabozantinib lacks. The aim of our study was to assess the risk of cabozantinib-related cardiotoxicity in mRCC patients.
Methods:We performed a multicentre prospective study on mRCC patients treated with cabozantinib between October 2016 and November 2017. Transthoracic echocardiogram and plasma biomarkers assay were assessed at baseline, 3 and 6 months after cabozantinib initiation.Results: The study population included 22 mRCC patients. At baseline, 9.1% had a reduced left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF), but none had a left ventricular systolic dysfunction. Patients with baseline reduced LVEF did not show further significant LVEF modification after 3 months. After 6 months, only 1 had an LVEF decline >10% compared to baseline, resulting in LV systolic dysfunction. At baseline, 64.7% and 27.3% of patients had elevated precursor brain natriuretic peptide (proBNP) and high-sensitivity troponin I (hsTnI), respectively. Among patients with basal normal proBNP and hsTnI, none had elevated values at 3 and 6 months. No correlation was found between basal elevated proBNP and basal reduced LVEF (P = .29), and between elevated proBNP and reduced LVEF after 6 months (P = .37). Similarly, we found no correlations between elevated hsTnI and reduced LVEF or elevated proBNP at baseline (P = .47; P = .38), at 3 (P = .059; P = .45) and after 6 months (P = .72;Conclusions: This prospective study revealed a modest risk of developing left ventricular systolic dysfunction related to cabozantinib. A lack of correlation between elevated cardiac biomarkers and reduced LVEF at different time-points was detected.Assessments of the cardiac function should be reserved at the occurrence of clinical symptoms. KEYWORDS cabozantinib, cardiotoxicity, high-sensitivity troponin I, metastatic renal cell carcinoma, precursor brain natriuretic peptide Small-molecule tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) targeting the vascular endothelial growth factor receptors (VEGFRs)-sunitinib, pazopanib, sorafenib, axitinib and cabozantinib-have revolutionized the treatment algorithm of patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma (mRCC), by improving clinical outcomes in randomized phase III trials. 1 In the last 10 years, as a result of the routine use of VEGFRs-TKIs in clinical practice, the median overall survival (OS) of mRCC patients reached 30 months, with variations depending on the patients prognostic risk group. Cabozantinib (a MET, VEGFRs and AXL TKI) represents the only one that demonstrated an OS-besides progression-free survival (PFS) and objective response rate-advantage compared with everolimus in pretreated mRCC patients in the phase III METEOR study. 2 Moreover, a phase II study (CABOSUN trial) tested the activity of cabozantinib in first-line in previously untreated mRCC patients of intermediate-or poor-risk according to the International Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma Database Consortium risk model. 3 Albeit with concerns regarding the relatively poor efficacy of the control arm in which suniti...