Tracheal stenosis can be difficult to manage. Dilatation can relieve acute symptoms, avoid emergency tracheostomy and may be curative, but traditional dilators risk injury and obstruction in an already critical airway. This paper describes a novel technique for conducting tracheobronchial dilatation with a non-occlusive balloon through a supraglottic airway device, performed under endoscopic guidance.
Technical description
A supraglottic airway device is placed whilst the patient is under total intravenous anaesthesia with mechanical ventilation. Using a multiport airway adaptor, inspection is performed by flexible endoscopy and a guidewire is placed through the stenosis. A non-occlusive balloon is advanced over the guidewire and positioned using the endoscope reinserted through the second adaptor port. Ventilation can thus be continued throughout dilatation under vision.
This technique has revolutionised our approach to tracheal dilatation in our institution. It avoids tracheostomy, and can be safely and reliably performed by junior staff in the emergency setting after adequate training.