The purpose of this study was to describe the implementation and results of the MBKM study program on projects in villages at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Law, Surabaya State University. This research uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive research type. The focus of this research is based on the policy implementation variable developed by Merilee S. Grindle, namely the policy content variable, which includes: (1) interests affected by the policy; (2) types of benefits to be generated; (3) desired degree of change; (4) position of policymakers; (5) program implementers; and (6) deployed resources. Furthermore, policy context variables include: (1) the power, interests, and strategies of the actors involved; (2) the characteristics of the institutions and regimes in power; and (3) the compliance and responsiveness of implementers. The data collection process was carried out through interviews with the secretaries of the MBKM KKNT Program, deputy deans for Academic Affairs, heads of departments or heads of study programs, field supervisors, and lecturers of Village Project KKN-T courses. Also included were students participating in the MBKM KKNT Project in the Village and literature study who used and collected data such as activity reports, regulations related to the project's KKNT Program in the Villages, along with books and articles about the MBKM program. The report revealed that students need to have an understanding of the management of concepts and use of systems for implementing village project KKN-T activities to meet the expected goals.