Objective: Our objective was to evaluate the degree of change in left ventricular mass index (LVMI) regression after aortic valve replacement (AVR) using three different valves. Methods: Group 1 (n=17) included patients with bioprosthesis (Medtronic Hancock 2), Group 2 (n=21) included patients with mono-leaflet mechanical valve (Medtronic Hall), and Group 3 (n=17) included patients with bi-leaflet mechanical valve (St Jude). The mean ages of Group 1, 2 and 3 patients were 70.8±9.1, 61.6±13.7 and 56.2±18.3 years, respectively. In this observational study, patients were followed-up after surgery and left ventricular wall thickness and valvular functions were evaluated with echocardiography. The findings were compared with preoperative values. Statistical analyses were performed using one-way variance analysis (ANOVA), Kruskal Wallis, and Chi-square tests. Results: Statistically significant difference was observed among the three groups with respect to age (p=0.015). LVMI regressed in all groups; Group 1 from 232.74±53.36 g/m 2 (preoperative) to 174.64±46.33 g/m 2 (postoperative) (p=0.0001), Group 2-from 198.49±40.53 g/m 2 to 167.04±33.9 g/m 2 (p=0.0001), and Group 3-228.77±47.87 g/m 2 to 185.44±37.76 g/m 2 (p=0.0001). No statistically significant difference was observed among the groups with respect to LVMI regression (p=0.054, p=0.363). Conclusion: Mid-term results of AVR with three different aortic valve prosthesis revealed that all groups showed a similar regression of left ventricular mass. However, we advocate that long-term results of an increased number of patients should be evaluated for assessment in depth. Sonuç: Üç farklı aort kapak protezi ile AVR orta dönem sonuçları tüm gruplarda sol ventrikül kütle regresyonu üzerinde benzerlik gösterdi. Ancak, daha kesin bir yorumda bulunabilmek için daha fazla hasta üzerindeki uzun dönem sonuçlarının değerlendirilmesi gerektiği kanısındayız.