IV Contents FIGURES 1. Sketch of idealized model showing relationship of thorium-rare-earth veins to alkalic rocks and carbonatites 15 2-19. Graphs showing: 2. Tonnages of thorium-rare-earth veins 17 3. Thorium-oxide grades of thorium-rare-earth veins 17 4. Rare-earth-oxide grades of thorium-rare-earth veins 18 5. Tonnages of distal disseminated Ag-Au deposits 21 6. Gold grades of distal disseminated Ag-Au deposits 21 7. Silver grades of distal disseminated Ag-Au deposits 22 8. Tonnages of hot-spring Au-Ag deposits 24 9. Gold grades of hot-spring Au-Ag deposits 24 10. Silver grades of hot-spring Au-Ag deposits 25 11. Tonnages of sediment-hosted Au deposits 27 12. Gold grades of sediment-hosted Au deposits 28 13. Silver grades of sediment-hosted Au deposits 28 14. Tonnages of Sierran kuroko deposits 30 15. Copper grades of Sierran kuroko deposits 30 16. Zinc grades of Sierran kuroko deposits 31 17. Lead grades of Sierran kuroko deposits 31 18. Gold grades of Sierran kuroko deposits 32 19. Silver grades of Sierran kuroko deposits 32 20 Schematic cross section of a solution-collapse breccia pipe in the Grand Canyon region, showing the general distribution of uranium ore within the pipe 35 21. Graph showing tonnages of solution-collapse breccia pipe uranium deposits 36 22. Graph showing uranium-oxide grades of solution-collapse breccia pipe uranium deposits 37 23. Scatter plot of logarithms of uranium-oxide grade vs. tonnage of uranium ore 38 24. Diagram of generalized stratigraphic model for oolitic ironstones 40 25-31. Graphs showing: 25. Tonnages of oolitic ironstone deposits 41 26. Iron grades of oolitic ironstone deposits 42 27. Silica grades of oolitic ironstone deposits 42 28. Phosphate grades of oolitic ironstone deposits 43 29. Tonnages of Chugach-type low-sulfide Au-quartz vein deposits 45 30. Gold grades of Chugach-type low-sulfide Au-quartz vein deposits 45 31. Silver grades of Chugach-type low-sulfide Au-quartz vein deposits 46 32. Sketch of idealized cross section of laterite-saprolite Au deposit 47 33. Graph showing tonnages of laterite-saprolite Au deposits 50 34. Graph showing gold grades of laterite-saprolite Au deposits 51 35. Location map of major detachment faults and detachment-fault-related mineral deposits in Arizona, southeastern California, and southernmost Nevada 53 36. Schematic diagram showing structural position of detachment-fault-related polymetallic mineralization, Ba-F-Mn veins, and lacustrine manganese mineralization in detachment-faulted terranes 54 TABLES 1. Quantization levels for presence/absence of particular mineral deposit 7 2. Quantization levels and associated scores for mineral deposit models 8 3. Worksheet for numerical model of Sn greisen deposits 10 4. Comparison of classification between Prospector II and panel of geologists using the Cox-Singer deposit classification for 124 metalliferous lode deposits in Alaska (Nokleberg and others, 1987) 11 5.Grades and tonnages of distal disseminated Ag-Au deposits 20 6. Grades and tonnages of hot-spring Au-Ag deposits 23 7. Grade...