This research examines the educational challenges encountered by second-chance school students in the correctional facility during the pandemic. The opportunity to utilise a specialised digital interconnection facility with the eLearning Platform deprived offenders of the right to equal access to education. Using open-source software, a unique encrypted platform that enables distance learning, while preventing access to any other portion of the internet, besides the learning process, has been created. The findings of the review highlight the possibility of educating and training socially excluded individuals, such as prison inmates, through innovative learning techniques. Innovative education and learning techniques, such as Gamification, enhance inmates' attitudes in their cognitive and emotional dimensions. The innovative and secure platform enables inmates attending alternative schools, to assert their inherent right to information and lifelong learning. This study proposes a gamified perspective for educational access and lifelong learning. In conclusion, it was determined that the implementation of innovative learning methods with Gamification in distance learning education via the suggested encrypted platform, is a motivating lever for student-inmates, thereby boosting key skills, such as emotional, social, socio-cognitive awareness, leadership, and digital skills.