INTRODUCTION: The importance of this study stems from the necessity to search for an effective solution to the problem of provision of the rural healthcare with medical personnel to increase the quality of medical care and its availability for the population.
AIM: To scientifically substantiate and develop proposals for attracting and developing the human resources potential of rural medical organizations.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: To assess the state of provision of healthcare in the Voronezh Region (VR) with human resources, the data from statistical accounting forms No. 17 and No. 30 were used. The comparative analysis method was used to study the provision of medical organizations of the VR with medical personnel and staffing with medical positions, and the main parameters of the activity of medical organizations in rural areas of the region. To study the factors contributing to the attraction of young specialists to medical organizations in rural areas, an anonymous online survey was conducted.
RESULTS: The analysis of provision of healthcare organizations of the VO with personnel showed a satisfactory level of provision with medical workers. The personnel shortage is more pronounced in rural areas the staffing of full-time positions is decreasing, the influx of young specialists is decreasing, the proportion of people of retirement age is increasing. In-depth analysis permitted to identify ‘weak points’ in the formation of the personnel reserve and take them into account when forming the regional personnel policy. Based on the data obtained during the study, a multi-level model of reproduction of human resources was created using the cluster approach. A mechanism for interaction between potential employers and subjects of the educational system was developed.
CONCLUSION: The pooling of resources within the framework of cluster interdepartmental interaction led to the expansion of the career guidance space and permitted to build practice-oriented educational activities based on continuity of general, secondary vocational and higher education. The findings of the study can be used in the formation of an effective personnel policy aimed at advanced forecasting of the process of their reproduction in the healthcare system.