The work scientifically substantiates the application of an effective technology for increasing the wear resistance of machine parts and tools due to complex diffusion saturation of the surface layer of parts made of iron-carbon alloys in the process of casting on gasified models based on the optimization of the composition of saturating mixtures and the establishment of patterns of structure formation.
The possibility of strengthening the surface of castings from cast iron SCH20 and steels of various composition (25L, 30L, 35L, 45L, 25HL, 110H13L), obtained by methods of casting in an open mold and on gasified models, has been established. It is shown that the diffusion boride layer on 35L steel, obtained during casting, has an order of magnitude greater thickness (up to 5 mm) compared to the diffusion layers obtained by chemical-thermal treatment methods (up to 0.25 mm). Analytical dependencies have been established that connect the components of the composition of the mixture (chromium boride (CrB2), boron carbide (B4C), graphite, bentonite, sodium fluoride (NaF)), which saturates, with wear resistance and the thickness of the diffusion layer after hardening in the process of obtaining a casting by the method of casting on gasified models.
A new composition of the saturating medium has been developed for surface strengthening in the production of cast parts from gray iron, carbon and alloy steels by simultaneous saturation with boron and chromium, containing chromium boride, boron carbide, graphite, bentonite, sodium fluoride (50-60 wt. % B4C + 20-25 wt. % CrB2 + 2-3 wt. % + 5-15 wt. % finely dispersed graphite + 5-7 wt. % bentonite). The application of the developed strengthening technology allows to improve operational properties, in particular, the wear resistance of machine parts and tools up to 25 times (compared to previously used methods), as well as to reduce the labor intensity of the strengthening process by up to 3.5 times.
Tests of dies for pressing wood waste into briquettes made of 45L steel, strengthened with the help of the developed technology, showed that their stability increases more than 4.5 times compared to the previously used ones made of HVH steel strengthened by carbonitriding, and the use of the developed strengthening technology allows reduce the cost of manufacturing this part by 1.5 times.