The compositions of glasses formed in the process of operation of an aluminum electrolyzer, the lowest content of aluminum at which the glass is separated into aluminosilicate and oxyfluoride components, and the temperatures of softening and of formation of drops of titanium-bearing glasses composition close to the glass in ShPD-45 refractory (with an additive of mullite-corundum chamotte) are determined. It is shown that the oxyfluoride glasses consist of both a silica skeleton and a corundum skeleton. The titanium-bearing glass phase can hinder penetration of aggressive gaseous byproducts of electrolysis.It is reported that the glass phase formed in operation of an aluminum electrolyzer plays a protective role. In accordance with the data of [1, 2] a high-viscosity vitreous mass based on albite is capable of hindering the penetration of electrolyte components into the lower layers of a lining. The exact chemical composition of the amorphous vitreous phase has not been determined [2]. It is only known that its primary component is silicon dioxide. It has been shown [3 -6] that the glass phase has a variable composition and is chiefly represented by oxyfluoride and aluminosilicate glasses. However, the element composition of the glass phase has not been determined.In the present study we made an attempt to decipher the glasses formed in the process of operation of an aluminum electrolyzer. We performed the study by the petrographic method in reflected and transmitted light using MBI-6 and MIN-8 microscopes. It is known that glass is an amorphous substance that cannot be deciphered by the method of x-ray diffraction analysis. For a chemical analysis we took samples of glasses with various refractive indexes under a binocular lens.The element composition of the common vitreous phase in ShA-5 refractories after service is as follows (in mass percent): 20.1 Sitot, 16.9 Altot, 8.86 Na, and 12.2 F. The density of this phase as determined by the method of hydrostatic weighing amounts to 2.37 g/cm 3 . It has also been determined that the prevailing kind of glass in the refractory layer after operation of an aluminum electrolyzer has an oxyfluoride composition consisting of (in mass percent) 3.92 Al, 20.65 Si, and 8.48 F at N = 1.33. Samples with a low total content of elemental silicon (due to its removal) are characterized by the presence of oxyfluoride glass with N = 1.362 and the following composition (in mass percent): 17 Al, 18.91 Na, 10.62 F, and traces of Si. Thus, the data of chemical and crystallographic analyses show that the oxyfluoride glasses consist of both a silica skeleton and a corundum skeleton.The authors of [5,7] have observed immiscibility of the oxyfluoride and aluminosilicate glasses. They detected pure aluminosilicate glass with N = 1.521 (nepheline glass with N = 1.51) containing 17.15% Al and 31.54% Si in a refractory layer. It was interesting to determine the critical content of aluminum at which the glasses separate into oxyfluoride and aluminosilicate components. An analysis of the glass phas...