In many countries around the world, a cubic parabola is used as transition curves in a simplified form. Today, the properties of many mathematical curves are well studied, which can be used as transition curves. The object of research is the process of restructuring transition curves when organizing high-speed trains operation. The use of modern means of mathematical modelling allows to add a number of dynamic characteristics for evaluation parameters of motion in the curved sections of the tracks. Thus, with an increase in speed for transition curves, both the values of unbalanced acceleration and its change in time, and also the velocity attenuation of oscillations of rolling stock when moving from a transition curve to a circular curve or to a direct section. On the basis of the conducted research, it has been found that when increasing the speed of the vehicle movement in the range from 120 to 200 km/h, the length of the stabilization section increases at the output of the curvature by an average of 20 m for every 40 km/h. The analysis showed that with correctly set parameters of transition curves, which correspond to the maximum speed of movement and radius of a circular curve, the strength and reliability of the bearing elements in the structure of the permanent way and the travel comfort are fully ensured.