Genetic improvement using the mass selection method of growth performance and stripe pattern on caudal ¢n in selected F 6 , F 7 and F 8 generations from genetically improved farmed tilapia strain Nile tilapia was evaluated at the National Tilapia Seed Farm of Qingdao, north China. In experiment I (2003), the average of daily body-weight gain of F 7 was 12.5% higher than F 6 , and 28.6% higher than F 5 (Po0.05). In experiment II (2004), the average daily bodyweight gain of F 8 was 12.9% larger than F 7 , and 56.9% larger than F 6 (Po0.05). Coe⁄cient of variation [(SD/mean)100] of body weight of F 8 decreased signi¢cantly (Po0.05) to 79.7% of F 6 and 72.9% of F 7 , respectively, indicating that the growth became more synchronous after continuous selection. The percentage of ¢sh with ideal vertical and parallel stripes on caudal ¢ns in F 5 , F 6 , F 7 and F 8 reached 24.8%, 28.8%, 32.2% and 37.6%, respectively, signi¢cantly higher than that of the base population (17.6%) (Po0.05). Ã Testing facility is 60 m 3 circulated concrete tanks. Conducted by a 3 (tank) Â 3 (group) randomized block design. Communally stocked after ¢n clipping. The density was 20^30 ¢sh m À 3 for each group. The statistics of ¢nal weight were from random sample, including 50 males and 50 females from each group each tank ¢rst, and then pooled. wSex-combined value, for example, AGR of F 8 /F 6 is (1.64 AE 2.19)/(1.08 AE 1.36) Â 100 5156.9. BW, body weight; AGR, absolute growth rate; GIFT, genetically improved farmed tilapia; CV, coe⁄cient of variance.