Since the marketing activity of the enterprise is directly related to the management system and the development of timely solutions to increase competitiveness in current conditions of social development, there is a need to analyze the tools for ensuring the enterprises' development using modern digital technologies, which determines the relevance of the research direction. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the principles of digital marketing as a tool for the enterprises' development in the conditions of the global competition. The methodological basis of the research is a systematic approach, which makes it possible to consider digital marketing taking into account the relationships and influences of the external and internal environment, as a set of measures aimed at achieving the set goals of the enterprise' development in conditions of the global competition through the influence of digital marketing subjects on the object. The outlined methodology of the system approach made it possible to single out the principles and functional features of digital marketing, to group modern digital marketing tools and indicators of the effectiveness of their use. The authors proposed a recurrent relationship, which represents a functional-informational scheme for the implementation of the digital marketing system as a tool for the enterprises' development in the conditions of the global competition.