The neutral metabolites of indoleamines (biogenic seizure latency time in normal animals after leptazol alcohols such as tryptophol and 5-hydroxytryptophol, administration. Tryptophol neither prolonged nor and biogenic aldehydes such as indoleacetaldehyde and shortened the latency to clonic seizure, but it signifi-5-hydroxyindoleacetaldehyde) have been reported to be cantly prolonged the latency to tonic seizure and the biologically active, i.e., to have sedative (Minegishi et al seizure latency time (35 and 94 %increases, respectively). 1979). sleep-inducing (Sabelli et al 1969; Taborsky Fig. 2 shows the effects of tryptophol in reserpinized 1971) and anticonvulsant properties (Fukumori et al animals. Treatment with reserpine potentiates the 1980a). Our recent finding that tryptophol and/or its convulsant properties of leptazol and shortens the metabolite indoleacetaldehyde decreased seizure seizure latency time (Chen et a1 1954). Thus, the dose of susceptibility in mice suggested the involvement of leptazol was reduced to 70 mg kg-' for better evaluation neutral metabolites of indoleamines in the regulation of of the tryptophol effect. The latency to the onset of seizure threshold (Satoh et al 1979a). On the other hand, it is well-established that the threshold for convulsion is modulated by a central aminergic system (Kilian & Frey 1973). In the present work, we examined the effect of centrally administered tryptophol on the components of leptazol (pentetrazo1)-induced seizures in normal and reserpinized rats, in the belief that neutral metabolites of indoleamines may be involved in the modulation of the seizure pattern by the 5-HT-ergic system.
Materials and methodsMale Wistar rats, 180-220 g, were fitted with indwelling cannulae at least 1 week before the experiments, as described by Satoh et al (1979b). Tryptophol (1 pmol) was dissolved in 8 pl of 0.9 % w/v NaCl (saline) solution containing 25 % ethanol and injected intracerebroventricularly (i.c.v.) Control animals received equivolume injections of the vehicle alone. The vehicle had no effect on leptazol-induced seizure. Leptazol was dissolved in saline solution and injected intraperitoneally into normal animals at a dose of 100 mg kg-' and into reserpinized animals at 70 mg kg-', 1 min after the i.c.v. injection of tryptophol or the vehicle. Reserpine (2 mg kg-', i.p.) was dissolved in 0.3 M sucrose with a few drops of glacial acetic acid. After the leptazol challenge, latencies were recorded to the onset of (1) clonic seizure with loss of righting reflex; and (2) tonic seizure with hindlimb extension. The seizure latency time was estimated as the time interval between the first sign of clonic seizure and the tonic seizure, according to Weiss et al (1960). Fig. 1 shows the effects of tryptophol on the latencies to the onset of the clonic and tonic seizures, and the clonic seizure was also unaffected by i.c.v. injection of tryptophol in reserpinized rats. However, both the latency to tonic seizure and the seizure latency time were dramatically prolonged by...