1 Effects of a single intravenous dose of aspirin (600 mg) on bradykinin-stimulated prostaglandin (PG) and on thromboxane (TX) biosynthesis were determined in nine healthy male volunteers. Plasma concentrations of 6-oxo-PGF,1ll and 13,14-dihydro-15-oxo-PGF2a were measured in samples obtained during repeated 10 min intravenous infusions of bradykinin before and up to 6 h after the dose of aspirin. TXB2 was measured in serum from blood allowed to clot at 370 C. 2 Aspirin inhibited bradykinin stimulated PG and platelet TX biosynthesis 0.5 h after the dose. Serum TXB2 remained low, whereas PG synthesis recovered within 6 h. 3 Effects of intravenous sodium salicylate (600 mg) were studied identically in eight subjects. Prostanoid biosynthesis was not inhibited. 4 Biosynthesis of prostacyclin and TXA2 under basal conditions was studied in eight subjects by measuring 2,3-dinor-6-oxo-PGF1,, and 2,3-dinor-TXB2 in hourly urine samples obtained during and after intravenous infusion of aspirin and, on a separate occasion, of vehicle.5 Aspirin infusion reduced urinary excretion of both metabolites > 90%, but excretion of 2,3-dinor-6-oxo-PGF1a recovered more rapidly than did that of 2,3-dinor-TXB2. 6 We conclude that cyclo-oxygenase is rapidly synthesised in bradykinin-responsive tissues in vivo and that this reflects similarly rapid enzyme biosynthesis in tissues that produce PGI2 under basal conditions. Keywords thromboxane A2 prostacyclin prostaglandin metabolites bradykinin aspirin