19Endolithic microbial symbionts in the coral skeleton may play a pivotal role in 20 maintaining coral health. However, compared to aerobic microorganisms, research on the 21 roles of endolithic anaerobic microorganisms and microbe-microbe interactions in the coral 22 skeleton are still in their infancy. In our previous study, we showed that a group of coral-23 associated Prosthecochloris (CAP), a genus of anaerobic green sulfur bacteria, was 24 dominant in the skeleton of the coral Isopora palifera. Though CAP is diverse, the 16S 25 rRNA phylogeny presents it as a distinct clade separate from other free-living 26Prosthecochloris. In this study, we build on previous research and further characterize the 27 genomic and metabolic traits of CAP by recovering two new near-complete CAP 28 genomes-Candidatus Prosthecochloris isoporaea and Candidatus Prosthecochloris sp. 29 N1-from coral Isopora palifera endolithic cultures. Genomic analysis revealed that these 30 two CAP genomes have high genomic similarities compared with other Prosthecochloris 31 and harbor several CAP-unique genes. Interestingly, different CAP species harbor various 32 pigment synthesis and sulfur metabolism genes, indicating that individual CAPs can adapt 33 to a diversity of coral microenvironments. A novel near-complete SRB genome-34Candidatus Halodesulfovibrio lyudaonia-was also recovered from the same culture. The 35 fact that CAP and various sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) co-exist in coral endolithic 36 cultures and coral skeleton highlights the importance of SRB in the coral endolithic 37 community. Based on functional genomic analysis of Ca. P. sp. N1 and Ca. H. lyudaonia, 38 we also propose a syntrophic relationship between the SRB and CAP in the coral skeleton. 39 40 Importance
41Little is known about the ecological roles of endolithic microbes in the coral skeleton; 42 one potential role is as a nutrient source for their coral hosts. Here, we identified a close 43 ecological relationship between CAP and SRB. Recovering novel near-complete CAP and 44 SRB genomes from endolithic cultures in this study enabled us to understand the genomic 45 and metabolic features of anaerobic endolithic bacteria in coral skeletons. These results 46 demonstrate that CAP members with similar functions in carbon, sulfur, and nitrogen 47 metabolisms harbor different light-harvesting components, suggesting that CAP in the 48 skeleton adapts to niches with different light intensities. Our study highlights the potential 49 ecological roles of CAP and SRB in coral skeletons and paves the way for future 50 investigations into how coral endolithic communities will respond to environmental 51 changes. 52 53 54 55