SUMMARYIntroduction. The aim of this study is to determine the outcome of maxillofacial prosthetic rehabilitation after oncological resections, including both intra-and extra-oral prosthetic devices. Methods. In this study were included 72 patients, who have undergone an intra or extra-oral maxillofacial prosthetic rehabilitation after an oncologic resection. Tumors on the head and neck were analyzed and the defects of these resections have been divided in two different groups: intra and extra-oral defects. Results. 72 participants were treated with maxillofacial prosthesis, 3 of which with post-traumatic wounds and 69 with resections of tumors on the head and neck. Of the 69 treated for neoplastic disease, 43 received an intraoral prosthesis (palatal obturator) and 29 with an extraoral epithesis (18 with nasal prostheses, 8 with orbital implants and 3 with ear implants).The group included patients with different types of tumors. All the patients were evaluated in terms of aesthetic appearance after the construction of the prostheses and the results were satisfactory. Conclusion. Within the limitations of this study, after the use of maxillofacial protheses patients feel more confident and self-assured. Maxillofacial protheses are a good solution in order to improve the life's quality in patients with tumors resections: prostheses are easy to handle and provide a satisfying social interaction for the patients.