The complex interactions that characterize acute wound healing have stymied the development of effective therapeutic modalities. The use of computational models holds the promise to improve our basic approach to understanding the process. By modifying an existing ordinary differential equation model of systemic inflammation to simulate local wound healing, we expect to improve the understanding of the underlying complexities of wound healing and thus allow for the development of novel, targeted therapeutic strategies. The modifications in this local acute wound healing model include: evolution from a systemic model to a local model, the incorporation of fibroblast activity, and the effects of tissue oxygenation. Using these modifications we are able to simulate impaired wound healing in hypoxic wounds with varying levels of contamination. Possible therapeutic targets, such as fibroblast death rate and rate of fibroblast recruitment, have been identified by computational analysis. This model is a step toward constructing an integrative systems biology model of human wound healing.A soft tissue injury elicits a well-prescribed wound healing response.1,2 The process of wound healing is designed to restore anatomic and functional characteristics of the tissue; however, little progress has been made in improving the wound healing response time or in preventing complications such as fibrosis, infections, and formation of nonhealing wounds.3 In this paper, we describe a computational model of acute wound healing designed to allow a system-level analysis of the wound healing response using ordinary differential equations (ODEs). As a first step to a more comprehensive model, we have explored the combined effects of bacterial infections, inflammation, and tissue hypoxia on the rate and success of wound healing since these processes are well-known as affecters of healing. As this model matures, it will provide the opportunity to test new mechanisms and novel therapeutics of wound healing strategies in silico.Despite burgeoning interest in the field of computational biology, work of limited scope has been published on modeling the acute wound. Most of these studies show the difficulties of adequately accounting for the myriad of potential interactions. 4 For example, in their respective works on epidermal wound healing, Stekel et al., 5 Walker et al., 6 and Morel et al. 7 do not attempt to simulate healing by fibroblasts and do not implement inflammatory changes in their models. Dallon et al. 8 constructed an ODE model of collagen deposition focusing on the fibroblasts and their relationship to the underlying extracellular matrix, but do not account for inflammation or repair of underlying tissue damage. Schugart et al. 9 recently published a model of wound angiogenesis as a function of tissue oxygen tension but the model does not specifically address the wound healing process.Reynolds et al. 10,11 created an ODE model designed to simulate inflammation and repair on a systemic level in the setting of a systemic ins...