Continuous-variable quantum key distribution with local local oscillator (LLO-CVQKD) eliminates the security loophole caused by transmitting high power local oscillator (LO). However, in order to establish a common phase frame between the sender and receiver, a low power phase reference needs to be transmitted with quantum signals, which may bring in new security problems for eavesdroppers to obtain information illegally. Especially in trusted phase noise model, phase noise associated with detectors is regarded as trusted noise in order to obtain a higher secret key rate and transmission distance, which further provides opportunities for eavesdroppers. To this end, we propose an optical attenuator-oriented attack strategy against the LLO-CVQKD system under the trusted phase noise model, where Eve can inject suitable light into the optical attenuator in reference light path to reduce the attenuation level of it, thereby controlling the intensity of the reference pulses and resulting in an underestimated excess noise. Simulation results show that the proposed attack strategy can render the estimated secret key rate much higher than the actual values. When the transmission distance exceeds 25km, the eavesdropper can obtain approximately 90% of the key information by adjusting the intensity of the reference pulses to twice the original value.